
Shine Bright, Wear Bright - February 2025

The children and staff held a non uniform day to participate in the Shine Bright, Wear Bright day organised by CHUMS.  This raised the amazing sum of £228.00 and all proceeds will be donated to CHUMS.

Year 4 Pop Up Cafe - February 2025

Year 4 made lots of delicious food items to sell at a pop up cafe with a Brazilian theme.  The event raised the amazing profit of £160.40 which will be donated to the Brazilian Amazon Fund Rainforest Trust.

Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day - December 2024

As part of the Christmas festivities, children and staff raised the amazing amount of £161.31 by wearing their Christmas jumpers to school.  All proceeds will be donated to the Save the Children Fund.

Christmas Toy Raffle - December 2024

A raffle of gift wrapped toys raised the amazing amount of £388.60. All proceeds raised will be used by the School Council to purchase gifts to donate to the Salvation Army Christmas Toy Appeal.

Poppy Appeal - November 2024

The sale of poppies and other poppy items raised £245.  All proceeds to the Royal British Legion.

Children in Need - November 2024

Children and staff raised the fantastic amount of £334.10 by holding a non uniform day.  All proceeds will be donated to Children in Need.

Blue for Loo's - November 2024

Year 3 held a 'dress in blue' non uniform day to raise funds for the Blue for Loo's charity ( They raised the amazing sum of £98.00.

Fathers Day Gift Sale - June 2024

A sale of gift wrapped items suitable for fathers day raised the amazing sum of £449.00 with all proceeds going to the School Council fund.  Thank you to the staff who wrapped the gifts: Mrs Dudley, Mrs Whiting, Mrs Duffy and Miss Stocken who all volunteered to help wrap. The children had fun choosing their own gifts and we hope everyone liked their presents.

Mothers Day Gift Sale - March 2024

A sale of gift wrapped items suitable for mothers day raised the amazing sum of £742.68 with all proceeds going to the School Council fund.  Thank you to the ladies who wrapped the gifts: Mrs Dudley, Miss Stocken, Mrs Duffy, Mrs Cox and Mrs Kemp all volunteered to help wrap. The children really enjoyed choosing their own gifts and we hope the mums liked their presents!

Year 4 Pop Up Cafe - February 2024

Year 4 designed and made food items to sell at a pop up cafe with a Brazilian theme.  The event raised the amazing profit of £180 which will be donated to a Brazilian charity supporting street children or rainforest animals (the children will vote).

Shine Bright, Wear Bright - February 2024

The children and staff held a non uniform day to participate in the Shine Bright, Wear Bright day organised by CHUMS.  This raised the amazing sum of £206.19 and all proceeds will be donated to CHUMS.

Biscuit & Cake Sale - February 2024

Year 3 held a biscuit and cake sale which raised an amazing £136.15.  All proceeds being donated to the Little Princess Trust.

Treat Day Tuesday Non Uniform Day - December 2023

As part of the Christmas festivities, children and staff raised the amazing amount of £139.40 by holding a non uniform day on the last day of term. All proceeds will be donated to Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital's Festive Friday appeal. .

Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day - December 2023

As part of the Christmas festivities, children and staff raised the amazing amount of £183.58 by wearing their Christmas jumpers to school.  All proceeds will be donated to the Save the Children Fund.

Children in Need - November 2023

Children and staff raised the amazing amount of £222.30 by holding a non uniform day.  All proceeds will be donated to Children in Need.

Blue for Loo's - November 2023

Year 3 held a 'dress in blue' non uniform day to raise funds for the Blue for Loo's charity ( They raised the amazing sum of £47.36.

Year 6 Fundraiser - October 2023

A tray bake sale was held in Year 6 with the children making and selling the delicious cakes.  The fantastic sum of £72.05 was raised with all proceeds being donated to Islamic Relief in memory of a Year 6 pupil's brother.

Fathers Day Gift Sale - June 2023

A sale of gift wrapped items suitable for fathers day raised the amazing sum of £428.00 with all proceeds going to the School Council fund.  Thank you to the staff who wrapped the gifts: Mrs Dudley, Mrs Whiting, Mrs Duffy, Mrs Cox and Mr Lewis all volunteered to help wrap. The children really enjoyed choosing their own gifts and we hope everyone liked their presents.

Mothers Day Gift Sale - March 2023

A sale of gift wrapped items suitable for mothers day raised the amazing sum of £642.00 with all proceeds going to the School Council fund.  Thank you to the ladies who wrapped the gifts: Mrs Dudley, Mrs Whiting, Mrs Duffy and Mrs Cox all volunteered to help wrap. The children really enjoyed choosing their own gifts and we hope the mums liked their presents!

Blue for Loo's - January 2023

Year 3 held a 'dress in blue' non uniform day to raise funds for the Blue for Loo's charity ( They raised the amazing sum of £57.40).

Festive Friday Great Ormond Street Childrens Hospital - December 2022

Children and staff held a non uniform day on the last day of term raising £110 for Great Ormond Street's Childrens Hospital's Festive Friday appeal. 

Blue for Loo's - December 2022

Year 3 sold programmes to parents and carers who came to watch their amazing Year 3 Christmas performance 'The Inn-spectors'.  The proceeds of £40.00 will be donated to the Blue for Loo's charity (

Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day - December 2022

As part of the Christmas festivities, children and staff raised the amazing amount of £155.00 by wearing their Christmas jumpers to school.  All proceeds will be donated to the Save the Children Fund.

Children in Need - November 2022

Children and staff raised the fantastic amount of £245.00 by holding a non uniform day.  All proceeds will be donated to Children in Need.

Poppy Appeal - November 2022

Children and staff raised the fantastic amount of £737.52 for the annual Royal British Legion poppy appeal. 

Macmillan Coffee Morning - September 2022

Staff raised £36.80 by holding a coffee morning.  All proceeds will be donated to Macmillan Cancer Research.

Fathers Day Gift Sale - June 2022

A sale of gift wrapped items suitable for fathers day raised the wonderful sum of £392.00 with all proceeds going to the School Council fund.  Thank you to the staff who wrapped the numerous items: Mrs Dudley, Mrs Whiting, Mrs Cox and Mr Lewis all volunteered to help wrap. The children really enjoyed choosing their own gifts and we hope the dads liked their gifts.

Ukranian Blue and Yellow Day - 25 March 202

Our School Council organised a "dress in yellow and blue" day to show our support for Ukraine, especially for children just like us at Someries, who are no longer able to go to school, have had to leave their homes and even friends and families.  The absolutely amazing amount of £400.20 was raised which will be donated via the First News Appeal. Thank you to everyone who showed their support and also to Mrs Kemp who made a large number of cakes to sell to the staff.

Mothers Day Gift Sale - March 2022

A sale of gift wrapped items suitable for mothers day raised the amazing sum of £808.60 with all proceeds going to the School Council fund.  Thank you to the ladies who wrapped the numerous items: Mrs Dudley, Mrs Whiting, Mrs Duffy and Mrs Cox all volunteered to help wrap. The children really enjoyed choosing their own gifts and we hope the mums liked their presents!

Christmas Jumper Day - December 2021

Children and staff raised funds for Save the Children by dressing in their Christmas jumpers, raising the magnificent sum of £198.40.

Children in Need - November 2021

Children and staff held a non uniform day in aid of Children in Need on Friday 19 November 2021 which raised the amazing amount of £265.

Fathers Day Gift Sale 2021

A sale of gift wrapped items suitable for fathers day raised the wonderful sum of £403.05 with all proceeds going to the School Council fund.  Thank you to the ladies  and gentleman who wrapped the numerous items: Mrs Dudley, Mrs Whiting, Mrs Duffy and Mr Lewis, who all volunteered to help wrap. We hope the dads liked their gifts!

We are a Co-op Local Community Partner!

Last year, as a Co-op local cause, we raised £4,100. We used this to help purchase an excellent Playframe. This is very popular with children and provides an opportunity for exercise (and fun!) all year round.

This year, we are raising funds to provide a safe outdoor area for children to meet and to receive pastoral support. We are blessed with a very large outdoor space; however, it is very exposed and there is little in the way of shade or shelter from the elements - so we hope that this project will address that need.

The shelter, with seating, will provide an area for children to be together outdoors. It will be a safe space where children can receive support, individually or in small groups, from a mentor. This will help them discuss anxieties and process trauma such as COVID isolation and other issues that trouble them.

Co-op have announced some improvements to their community partner scheme:

“We’ve doubled the amount we give to the local community on behalf of our members. For every £1 you spend on selected Co-op products and services, 2p will go to community causes.

We’ve also made it possible for members to donate the rewards they’ve earned to community causes.

If you shop regularly at a Co-op store and you would like to support this cause, please choose us as your community partner at: . Please also encourage local friends who shop at a COOP to do the same. This will enable you to raise funds for this project every time to buy Co-op products – at no cost to you!

We hope that this shelter will make a real difference to some of our young people.

   Illustration of proposed shelter

Festive Friday

On the last day of term children raised £125 on a non uniform day with all proceeds going to Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Christmas Jumper Day

The children and staff looked very festive in their Christmas jumpers and generously donated £204 with all proceeds going to Save the Children fund.

Children in Need Day 2020

The children gave a donation to Children in Need to come in non-uniform raising a total of £253. The sun shone as they enjoyed their break time on Pudsey Day!

Macmillan Cancer Support - Non Uniform and Cake Competition

Our first fundraising activity this year was a non-uniform day in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. This was in place of our usual cake sale and coffee event due to the COVID restrictions currently in place. There was also a home-baking competition with children sending in pictures of the cakes they had made. Together these events raised £265 for Macmillan Cancer Support.

These are just some of the entries for the "Have your cake and eat it" competition:

Fundraising highlights from 2019-20

Sport Relief

During the last week that school was open, we had a  number of sports activities running at lunchtimes. Together with their Year 5 helpers, Mrs Prasad and Mr Prue ran competitions where children paid to take part in sports activities. There was hockey shoot out, football shootout and netball shootout. (The bean bag throw was cancelled sadly, due to rain.) Despite it being such a difficult week the children still managed to raise £57 for Sport Relief.


Mothers Day Gift Sale

A sale of gift wrapped items suitable for mothers day raised the wonderful sum of £564.00 with all proceeds going to the School Council fund.  Thank you to the ladies who wrapped the numerous items: Mrs Dudley, Mrs Whiting and Mrs Jennings, who no longer works for the school but still volunteered to help wrap. We hope the mums liked their gifts!

Friends of Someries Juniors Movie Night

The Friends of Someries Junior School held a very successful Movie Night on February 7th. Nearly 100 children turned up for the event and enjoyed this social occasion. Thanks to the team’s efforts, the event raised nearly £300. You can find out more about events (and volunteer to help) on their Facebook page. The team are planning new events – big and small – for future terms.

Christmas Jumper Day

Children and staff raised £184.45 by participating in a Christmas jumper day held on Wednesday 11 December 2019.  All proceeds have been donated to Save the Children. You can see many more pictures on our Recent Events page.

Beads of Courage

We were saddened to hear in October that a former pupil, who is now in Year 8 at a local high school, had been diagnosed with leukaemia, a type of cancer, and was undergoing treatment for his condition. We wanted to support him, his sister (who is currently at Someries Juniors) and his family and so, like his high school, we held a non-uniform day to raise funds for Be Child Cancer Awares “Beads of Courage” programme. This programme supports children going through treatment for serious illnesses and has helped this boy and his family family. As both he and his sister are keen hockey players, we held a hockey penalty-flick competition at lunch time to raise some more money. Together with the non-uniform day, the children raised £319.

Be Child Cancer Aware produce awareness cards to help families to spot the illness early on:

MacMillan Cake Sale and Coffee & Cake event

On Friday 4 October the sum of £173 was raised when we joined  Macmillan Cancer Support's fundraising event, the World's Biggest Coffee Morning [albeit one week late so our Year 6 children and families did not miss out because of the Kingswood residential trip]. Children and staff brought in an array of delicious cakes which were sold to eager buyers at break time and after school. In the afternoon there was a “Coffee with Mr Finch” event for parents/carers and it was good to see a number of parents and carers join us in the hall to support this event.

 Our thanks go to Mrs Dudley who organised the events and to all the children, parents and carers who contributed to the events.

Fundraising in 2018-19

During the course of last school year the children raised over £3,000 for different causes. This includes funds raised for their school council funds and for outside charities.

Fathers Day Gift Sale

14 June 2019: Sale of fathers day gifts to pupils raised the amazing amount of £376.  All the children were thrilled to choose their own wrapped gift.  Many thanks to Mrs Dudley and Mrs Jennings who spent time at the weekend wrapping all the gifts.

Mothers Day Gift Sale

Friday 22 March 2019: Children donated good quality items for our gift sale and these were beautifully wrapped and sold at our gift sale. School councillors helped with the sale and children were able to choose a great gift for the special lady in their family. The sale raised £682.20 which will go to the school council playground fund. A huge thank you to Mrs Dudley and Mrs Jennings who spent time at the weekend gift-wrapping all the presents.

Year 4 - Sponsor a Child in Brazil

Thursday 14 February 2019: Year 4 children were busy designing, baking and selling cakes. The sale raised £223 from their Rainforest Café and Cake Sale to sponsor the education of a child in Brazil.


Year 3 - "Blues for Loos"

Thursday 31 January 2019: Our Year 3 children and staff recently raised £111.65 from their “Blues for Loos” day and staff holding a cake sale at teabreak.  Proceeds will go towards purchasing toilets in another part of the world through the charity ‘Toilet Twinning’ ( which provides toilet facilities in areas where sanitation is poor.  

Christmas Jumper Day

Wednesday 13 December was our Christmas dinner day and we combined it with Save the Children’s ‘Christmas Jumper Day' raising £179.95 for Save the Children.

Children in Need 

Pupils and staff held a non uniform day on Friday 16  November 2018 with all proceeds being donated to Children in Need.  The fantastic amount of £237.50 was raised.

Here are some fundraising events from 2017-18

Fundraising in 2017-18 raised over £4000!

5 June 2018: Sale of fathers day gifts to pupils raised the amazing amount of £429.  All the children were thrilled to choose their own wrapped gift.  Many thanks to Mrs Dudley, Mrs Jennings and Mrs Duffy who wrapped all the gifts.

25 May 2018: As part of their DT project, Year 4 made and sold cakes with all proceeds going to the Blue Cross.  They raised £102.82 by selling the delicious cakes to the rest of the school.

May 2018: Two Year 5 girls raised £27.68 by selling their old toys.  They then kindly donated all proceeds to the school to pass onto the Blue Cross - well done Mia and Maddie!

20 April 2018: Table top sale of books and toys raised £108.75 with all proceeds going to the Blue Cross.  Thank you to everyone who kindly donated the huge selection of books and toys.

8 March 2018: Sale of mothers day gifts to pupils raised the fantastic amount of £758.  The children were really excited to choose their own wrapped gift.  Many thanks to Mrs Jennings and Mrs Dudley who wrapped all the gifts.

15 December 2017: Christmas jumper day raised £179.05 with all proceeds going to Save the Children Fund.  Pupils and staff looked very festive.

24 November 2017: Cake sale in aid of the Keech Hospice raised the fantastic amount of £203.69.  Thank you to all the children, staff and Mrs Harkin for donations of yummy cakes.

17 November 2017: Children in Need non uniform day raised an amazing amount of £234.03 from the children and staff.

29 September 2017: Macmillan Cake Sale - a fantastic £284.55 was raised through a childrens' cake sale, parents/carers coffee & cake event plus an after school cake sale.  Thank you to everyone who donated the huge selection of delicious cakes.